Deliver the WordPress Application with Cloud RDS
This tutorial will demonstrate how to deploy a WordPress application with Kusion, which relies on both Kubernetes and IaaS resources provided by cloud vendors. We can learn how to declare the Relational Database Service (RDS) to provide a cloud-based database solution with Kusion for our application from this article.
- Install Kusion
- Install kubectl CLI and run a Kubernetes or Kind or Minikube cluster
- Prepare a cloud service account and create a user with at least
related permissions to use the Relational Database Service (RDS). This kind of user can be created and managed in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console of the cloud vendor - The environment that executes
needs to have connectivity to terraform registry to download the terraform providers
Additionally, we also need to configure the obtained AccessKey and SecretKey as environment variables for specific cloud provider:
- Alicloud
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AKIAQZDxxxx" # replace it with your AccessKey
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="oE/xxxx" # replace it with your SecretKey
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 # replace it with your region
export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY="LTAI5txxx" # replace it with your AccessKey
export ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY="nxuowIxxx" # replace it with your SecretKey
export ALICLOUD_REGION=cn-hangzhou # replace it with your region
Init Workspace
To deploy the WordPress application with cloud rds, we first need to initiate a Workspace
for the targeted stack (here we are using dev
). Please copy the following example YAML file to your local workspace.yaml
- Alicloud
# MySQL configurations for AWS RDS
cloud: aws
size: 20
instanceType: db.t3.micro
privateRouting: false
databaseName: "wordpress-mysql"
# MySQL configurations for Alicloud RDS
cloud: alicloud
size: 20
instanceType: mysql.n2.serverless.1c
category: serverless_basic
privateRouting: false
subnetID: [your-subnet-id]
databaseName: "wordpress-mysql"
If you would like to try creating the Alicloud
RDS instance, you should replace the [your-subnet-id]
of modules.kusionstack/mysql@0.1.0.default.subnetID
field with the Alicloud vSwitchID
to which the database will be provisioned in. After that, you can execute the following command line to initiate the workspace configuration for dev
kusion workspace create dev -f workspace.yaml
Since Kusion by default use the default
workspace, we can switch to the dev
workspace with the following cmd:
kusion workspace switch dev
If you already create and use the configuration of dev
workspace, you can append the MySQL module configs to your workspace YAML file and use the following command line to update the workspace configuration.
kusion workspace update dev -f workspace.yaml
We can use the following command lines to show the current workspace configurations for dev
kusion workspace show
The workspace.yaml
is a sample configuration file for workspace management, including MySQL
module configs. Workspace configurations are usually declared by Platform Engineers and will take effect through the corresponding stack.
More details about the configuration of Workspace can be found in Concepts of Workspace.
Init Project
We can start by initializing this tutorial project with kusion init
# Create a new directory and navigate into it.
mkdir wordpress-rds-cloud && cd wordpress-rds-cloud
# Initialize the demo project with the name of the current directory.
kusion init
The created project structure looks like below:
├── dev
│ ├── kcl.mod
│ ├── main.k
│ └── stack.yaml
└── project.yaml
2 directories, 4 files
Update And Review Configuration Codes
The initiated configuration codes are for the demo quickstart application, we should replace the dev/kcl.mod
and dev/main.k
with the below codes:
name = "wordpress-cloud-rds"
version = "0.1.0"
kam = { git = "", tag = "0.1.0" }
network = { oci = "oci://", tag = "0.1.0" }
mysql = { oci = "oci://", tag = "0.1.0" }
entries = ["main.k"]
import kam.v1.app_configuration as ac
import kam.v1.workload as wl
import kam.v1.workload.container as c
import network as n
import mysql
# main.k declares customized configurations for dev stacks.
wordpress: ac.AppConfiguration {
workload: wl.Service {
containers: {
wordpress: c.Container {
image: "wordpress:6.3"
env: {
resources: {
"cpu": "500m"
"memory": "512Mi"
replicas: 1
accessories: {
"network": n.Network {
ports: [
n.Port {
port: 80
"mysql": mysql.MySQL {
type: "cloud"
version: "8.0"
declares the dependency packages of the application, including Kusion application model (kam
) as well as the network
and mysql
module. The configuration file main.k
, usually written by the App Developers, declares customized configurations for dev
stack, which includes an AppConfiguration
with the name of wordpress
. And the wordpress
application includes a workload of type workload.Service
, which runs on 1 replica. Besides, it declares a Kusion Module with the type of network.Network
exposing 80
port to be accessed, and a cloud mysql.MySQL
as the database accessory with the engine version of 8.0
for the application.
The necessary Terraform resources for deploying and using the cloud rds (relational database service) will be generated, and users can get the host
, username
and password
of the database through the mysql credentials and connectivity of Kusion in application containers.
The collaboration paradigm between App Developers and Platform Engineers with Kusion can be found in Collaboration Paradigm
Application Delivery
You can complete the delivery of the WordPress application in the folder of wordpress-cloud-rds/dev
using the following command line:
cd wordpress-cloud-rds && kusion apply --watch
During the first apply, the models and modules as well as the Terraform CLI (if not exists) that the application depends on will be downloaded, so it may take some time (usually within two minutes). You can take a break and have a cup of coffee.
- Alicloud
After all the resources reconciled, we can port-forward our local port (e.g. 12345) to the WordPress frontend service port (80) in the cluster:
kubectl port-forward -n wordpress-cloud-rds svc/wordpress-cloud-rds-dev-wordpress-private 12345:80
Verify WordPress Application
Next, we will verify the WordPress site service we just delivered, along with the creation of the RDS instance it depends on. We can start using the WordPress site by accessing the link of local-forwarded port (http://localhost:12345) we just configured in the browser.
In addition, we can also log in to the cloud service console page to view the RDS instance we just created.
- Alicloud
Delete WordPress Application
You can delete the WordPress application and related RDS resources using the following command line.
kusion destroy --yes
- Alicloud